Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Ensete Maurelii propagation experiment - Update.

It's been a fair few months now, since I hacked down my Ensete Maurelii in the interests of science. Months past without anything happening, but in the last few days, I have 20 - 30 sprouts coming from what I thought was the stem going mouldy.

I'm hoping that everything keeps growing, and that I'm soon able to split some of the plants. 

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Ensete Maurelii propagation experiment.

I've seen a few videos on maurelii propagation, so I thought I would give it a go on a rather rough looking little plant. Not the end of the world if it doesn't work, but I could end up with a few more nice plants if all goes to plan.

The specimen before I take a knife to it.

It's amazing how much water these plants hold in the stem.

I've seen good results with cutting a deep V down into the corm, others have cut the corm into quarters. I'm going with the V cut.

Hopefully I have cut deep enough into the corm, time will tell. This picture shows the fresh cut. Three days later it's still looking fresh, no sign of going brown.

Now it's a waiting game.......

Monday, 13 January 2014

Great British Garden Revival

I highly recommend watching episode 8 of the BBC's Great British Garden Revival. James Wong visits a number of exotic gardens in the UK, including the Exotic Garden in Norwich, owned by Will Giles ( )

It's on the BBC iPlayer for a few more days...

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Plant wish list for 2014

This is my current wish list for plants to be grown in my garden this coming summer.

  • Enste Ventricosum
  • Ensete Ventricosum maurelii
  • Musa Basjoo
  • Echium pininana
  • Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
  • Colocasia
  • Canna
  • Gingers - Hedychium Assam Orange 
 The list goes.....